Table of Contents

Activities and Traditions
Basics+ Program History
Daily Schedules
Discipline Plan/School Rules
Dress Code
Enrollment Polices
Parent Concerns
Parent Responsibility
Philosophy, Goals, Objectives
PTA Board
Schedules and Practices
School Site Counci l
School Visits
Student Recognition
Volunteer Hours

Parent & Student Manual


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Activities and Traditions

New Parents Reception g>
All new parents are welcome to Millikin School the morning of the first school day, where they will have a brief orientation program.

Back-to-School Nights
This activity is for parents only. Here you can meet a teacher, ask questions, hear about class goals. Millikin has 2 back-to-school nights: a K-1 and a a 2-5 nights.

Festival of Wine and Arts
It takes place every September (the middle of the month) in Central park.

Student Pictures
Twice a year (in fall and spring) a pro photographer can take individual or class pictures of your children. Parents are not asked to pay for this.

Harvest Festival
This is a Halloween party for all children, parents and teachers with costumes, different games and snacks.

Holiday Program
In December, our school choir (3-5 grades students) and classes of K-2 grades students perform the Holiday Program, which is considered the major performance of the year.

Science Fair
Every student can participate in annual Science Fair where they prepare and submit their own science projects. Parents may help them, but the work itself much be their child's one. The best projects will be granted to the District Science Fair.

Parent Visitation Days
Parents can't visit classes during school, but our school gives them such an opportunity in January when a visitation day takes place, and all parents can watch classes in action.

Teacher Appreciation Week
One week in May students and parents are welcome to share their appreciation for all skills and efforts of our teachers.

Parent Education Nights
We offer PTA opportunities for all parents, including such subjects as testing, parenting skills, middle schools, and computer skills.

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Daily Schedules

Regular Day

General Rules of Our School

All students of Millikin Basics+ Elementary Schools are expected to:

Positive Consequences

They are provided for those students who follow all rules of Millikin School, and positive consequences include:

Negative Consequences

They are aimed to teach responsible and appropriate behavior to those students who break the rules set in Millikin School. Negative consequences include:

Items We Don't Allow at School

Millikin Basics+ School does not allow some items at school to ensure a safe learning environment. Such items include:

Personal Property

Millikin School can't be responsible for all personal tools and items our students takes with them. If your child has a cell phone, please, provide a written permission for them to take it to school.

Dress Code

Our staff and students are expected to maintain high standards of appearance. If a teacher feels that their students' closing is not appropriate for school, students may be asked to change it. Items that are NOT ALLOWED and considered INAPPROPRIATE in Millikin School include:


School Visits

If you want to meet with the teacher of your kid, you are welcome to call the secretary and make an appointment. Call 423-1800. We do not allow parents to visit classrooms during school hours; it is possible to do during visitation days that take place in January or during other special occasions such as class parties, trips, fairs, etc.

Parents are welcome to help our school and support classes by their work in library, science labs, computer classed, or by preparing some materials. Just sign in at our office before going to the campus.

Student Recognition

Millikin Basics+ Elementary School is happy to recognize its best students in different ways. Besides A's grades we encourage students to set and attain goals with the help of Super Citizen Award (for good behavior and responsible homework completion) and other kinds of rewards presented at the June Awards Assembly and during the year.

Volunteer Hours

Each family whose kid studies at Millikin School is responsible to donate 10 hours to our school per year. It can be different kinds of activities, and parents can choose what they would like to help with: work in computer labs, work in library, preparing materials, assist students on field trips, etc. We periodically publish the list of volunteer activities in the Millikin eNewsletter; parents are encouraged to choose the activity they would like to participate in,and they record the donated hours to our volunteer book in the office. Please, note that you can't bring non-Millikin students or non-school age kids to our volunteer activities.

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